Board of Directors, 2019-2020

Dan MarshallN1ADM

Dan grew up in Columbia County, and graduated from Harlem High School in 1980. Shortly afterward, he joined the U.S. Air Force, and spent 20 years serving as an Intelligence Analyst in overseas assignments in England, Greece, and South Korea. His last Air Force assignment was to Fort Gordon, and after retiring from active duty in 2003, he remained in Columbia County, and moved to  his home in Grovetown in 2015.

Dan has always been interested in electronics, computers and radios, but did not get his amateur radio license until 2016. He found a ham radio family and home in the Amateur Radio Club of Columbia County, and has served on several club committees. He enjoys all aspects of ham radio, but he especially enjoys DXing on the HF bands.
N1ADM’s QRZ page

Vice President
Jim Cunningham, KV4YA

Jim will add his bio here.

Samantha Clayborn, KM4NSF

Samantha will add her bio here.

Steve Clayborn, KJ4SFX

Steve will add his bio here.

Board Member at Large
Devon Harris, KM4PHT

Devon spent most of his young life in Richmond, VA and was always interested in electronics, geeky stuff and amateur radio as a child. He graduated from High School in 1979 and went straight into the US Army as Avionics Navigation & Flight Control Technician.  Twenty years later, after a variety of assignments across the world, he retired in 1999 and felt called to work with at-risk youth in the community and the Department of Juvenile Justice system.

Devon and his wife Sun love what they do as ministry with at-risk youth, but Devon still had a love for geeky stuff. The hobby of Ham Radio came along  and caught his attention! Now, a General class operator, and EMCOMM/Digital Communications operator, Devon currently serves as the “Board Member at Large” for the ARCCC, Inc. Board of Directors.
KM4PHT’s QRZ page